Saturday, January 9, 2010

Investing and the Weather

I hope you are all staying warm and safe during this very brutal cold weather. At the end, are some It's so cold jokes for your amusement.

This week was excellent for all of the accounts. It is good to see the year start so well.

The most important story of the past week, that has the biggest impact on investing decisions, was the job loss number for December. Instead of showing a job gain the result was a job loss. This is the most significant data because it guides the interest rate decision for the Federal Reserve, who will maintain the current low rates for awhile, and will put a ceiling on long-term interest rates for now. Because of this data, the current bond funds will be maintained for now.

Business Cycle Investing is like the weather in that both have 4 seasons and different actions are needed for each season. This brutal cold weather resembles the great recession that we have endured. We are investing like it is spring. Yes spring will arrive in a few months.

It's so cold that:

you light a candle and the flame freezes
your shadow freezes to the sidewalk
you have to break the smoke off your chimney
you have to open the fridge to heat the house
It was so cold the lawyers had their hands in their own pockets....
I'm shivering like a mobster in a tax office.

Stay warm and think of spring!!!!!

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