Friday, April 11, 2008

Reasons We Delay Retirement

Retirement related articles are everywhere even the front page of the Tuesday, April 8, 2008, USA Today.

What are the top reasons why workers do not know when they will retire.
  1. 53% - Like to work (Interpretation 47% would like to retire)
  2. 35% - Not enough money
  3. 26% - Too many expenses
  4. 10% - Too busy
  5. 10% - Waiting on Spouse

From the data it is obvious that people gave more than 1 reason. It appears that #2 & #3 go hand in hand at 61%. Since more than 1 reason can be given, it appears that of the 47% that would like to retire it really comes down to monetary reasons of not enough income to cover expenses.

What is the remedy to curing this problem of 47% who wants to retire? Start saving for retirement early and let the money work for you. Get some professional help so that your savings will grow faster than inflation.

Do you really want to keep working? Isn't it better to have your money work for you than to keep working?

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